Best known for his “Hello Dere” greeting and comedy team partnership with Steve Rossi – wild-haired, bug-eyed Marty Allen died last night at the ripe old age of 95. 

Amazingly, he was still working up until several months ago with his wife, Karon. performing the “straight man” role.

Marty was a TV mainstay during the 60’s and 70’s on talk shows, game shows, variety shows, (including appearances on 44 Ed Sullivan Shows) and even dramatic roles.  

I first met and worked with him many years ago.  While chatting backstage, I told him about my favorite of his routines — a rarely performed pantomime of a clown applying and removing his makeup. It was a very poignant and powerful piece.

A few weeks later, a package arrived for me at my agent’s office. It was from Marty and contained an inscribed photo of him performing that classic routine I loved so much. 

Truly a class act.
G’bye dere, Marty.
(Morton David Alpern)
23 March 1922 – 12 February 2018

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